About Me

Growing up in South Florida is a treat when you’re a kid, everything is overgrown and everything feels like an adventure.

Not only was I in love with the physical landscape, I was in love with the cultural one I grew up in. Every piece of media feels like a work of art when you’re a child. Every tree you climb or field you run in feels like it holds some hidden magic. The world is wonderful and wild, and not enough people hold onto that into their adulthood.

My bodies of work are an attempt at reminding myself that everything has the potential to be this magnificent thing. A sentiment I wholeheartedly believed in as a child. A sentiment that can be seen in my college work at the University of South Florida, and what kept me going and engaged during my study abroad in China. It invites the viewer to sit and reflect on the things they thought were wonderful and weird and strange and beautiful, to reflect on the parts of their past that filled them with joy, to kindle the spark that we often snuffed out in adulthood.

I hope you’re able to see the different influences in my work.